Privacy Policy

The Information and Data Protection Commissioner is committed to protect the privacy of individuals who visit the website and who make use of the online facilities.

The policy can be easily accessible via a link at the bottom of each web page.

Recruit in Malta
23, Old Railway Track SVR
Santa Venera

1. Information collected and purpose
Download Information
When you visit our website the following information will automatically be processed and this solely for the use of this Office:
The requested web page or download;
Whether the request was successful or not;
The date and time when you accessed the site;
The Internet address of the web site or the domain name of the computer from which you accessed the site;
The operating system of the machine running your web browser and the type and version of your web browser.
Our company does not sell your information to third parties.

2. Cookies
Cookies are small pieces of data that the site transfers to the user’s computer hard drive when the user visits the website. This website makes limited use of cookies and consequently, for any further information, you are being guided to visit our Cookies Policy.
Personal data provided by the data subject
When using this website’s online facilities, data subjects may be required to provide their contact details for contact purposes.
All information provided in the notification form, complaints and queries sections will be solely used by the Data Protection Commissioner and his staff as may be necessary to provide you with the services required and for other administrative purposes to enable the Commissioner exercise his functions according to law.

Google Analytics Retention
We have set our Google Analytic data retention policy to 26 months.

How to change your cookie settings?
To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit or

3. Your rights as data subject
As an individual you may exercise your right to access the data held about you by this Office by submitting your request in writing to the Commissioner.
Although all reasonable efforts will be made to keep your information updated, you are kindly requested to inform us of any change referring to the personal data held by this Office. In any case if you consider that certain information about you is inaccurate, you may request rectification of such data. You also have the right to request the blocking or erasure of data at anytime.

4. Links to other Web Sites
To give you a better service our site can connect you with a number of links to other local and international organisations and agencies. When connecting to such other websites you will no longer be subject to this policy but to the privacy policy of the new site.

5. Transaction Security Policy
This site uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure secure transmission of your personal data. You should be able to see the padlock symbol in the status bar on the bottom right hand corner of the browser window. The url address will also start with https:// depicting a secure webpage. SSL applies encryption between two points such as your PC and the connecting server. Any data transmitted during the session will be encrypted or scrambled and then decrypted or unscrambled at the receiving end. This will ascertain that data cannot be read during transmission.

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy
If there are any changes to this privacy policy, we will replace this page with an updated version. It is therefore in your own interest to check the “Privacy Policy” page any time you access our web site so as to be aware of any changes which may occur from time to time.

7. Marketing
You have the right to stop receiving marketing emails by simply unsubscribing to our MailChimp Newsletters.

8. Feedback
Any comments or suggestions that you may have and which may contribute to a better quality of service will be welcome and greatly appreciated.

We use cookies to give you the best experience. Read our cookie policy.